Exceptional Dentistry for Exceptional People
Dr. Hendricks does the latest treatments and technology in dentistry. He provides a wide range of He is great with kids, elderly patients, and complicated cases.
We offer free consultations for everyone. To reserve your appointment, you can call us at (330) 877-9281.
Our Services
General Dentistry
Sleep Medicine
Dental Implants
Clear Braces
Contact Us
Have a question or comment? Fill out the Contact Us form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. By filling out this form, I consent to receive text messages, emails, and/or phone calls from this office.
W. Scott Hendricks DDS
140 Grand Trunk
Phone: (330) 877-9281
Email: info@hartvilledentist.com
Creative, comfortable, caring, and convenient, natural, green DentalSpa, full array of dental services, personalized care, Hartville, OH.
Dentist in Hartville, Ohio
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